Michael Maloney is a retired federal law enforcement officer, serving over 17 years as a Special Agent with NCIS and then finishing his federal career as the Senior Instructor for Death Investigations and Sex Crimes at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). Michael has over 25 years experience in Federal and Local law Enforcement with NCIS, DHS, and most recently the Denver Crime Laboratory where he served as a supervisor for the Crime Scene Unit. He started his law enforcement career as a Deputy Sheriff in Tom Green County, Texas and also served as a United States Marine.
He has a Master of Forensic Science Degree from George Washington University as well as serving a Fellowship in Forensic Medicine with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. He is the co-recipient of the 20XX August Volmer Award presented by the IACP for Advancement in the Forensic Sciences.
Michael has presented training seminars, classes, research papers and case studies in a wide variety of national and international venues. He served as the senior forensic advisor to the Justice Sector Assistance Project for the West Bank evaluating their existing crime scene and forensic capabilities and designing and implementing a training program to move them towards international standards. He has developed, designed and implemented multiple training programs for the South Africa Police Service in shooting incident reconstruction; crime scene and blood stain pattern analysis training. He has served as a primary instructor in a legal exchange with Cambodia.
Michael is a recognized expert in death scene investigations, crime scene investigation, shooting incident reconstruction, bloodstain pattern analysis and forensic reconstruction. He has taught or worked cases throughout the United States as well as in Iraq, Spain, South Africa, Canada, Japan, Cambodia, Samoa, Bahrain, Qatar, the West Bank and Bosnia. His expert testimony, reports and analysis have been used in a wide variety of local, state and federal judicial venues to include the International War Crimes Tribunal at The Hague.
He has served as the president and a board member with the Association for Crime Scene Reconstruction and has held membership and made presentations to the American Academy of Forensic Science, International Association for Identification and the International Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts.
Michael is the author of Death Scene Investigation Procedural Guide and Crime Scene Investigation Procedural Guide from CRC Press. Michael has co-authored Shooting Scene Documentation and Reconstruction and The Body as a Crime Scene in Practical Crime Scene Processing and Investigation, Second Edition by Ross Gardner, also published by CRC Press.

Crime Scene Reconstruction
The George Washington University
Master of Forensic Science Degree
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Denver Crime Lab
Crime Scene Unit Supervisor
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Senior Instructor Death Investigation & Sex Crimes
Shooting Incident Reconstruction
Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS)
Special Agent - Supervisory Special Agent - Forensic Consultant
Wound Dynamics and Mechanism of Injury
Bevel Gardner and Associates
Partner in a Forensic Education and Consulting Group
Forensic Solutions
Owner of a Forensic Consulting, Education and Training Firm