Seminars Offered

Death Scene Investigation Seminar
Michael Maloney is a noted expert in death scene investigation and analysis. He invites you to join in this intensive 3-day seminar. All students will receive of his Death Scene Investigation, Procedural Guide (2nd Edition). The seminar provides the experienced detective, crime scene investigator, or their supervisor with an in-depth study of the protocols, procedures and methodologies necessary to thoroughly process and analyze a death scene. The relationship of on-scene analysis of evidence in context to determine investigative direction and the development of investigative leads is emphasized. A simple to use “Decision Matrix” will be presented to aid in determining investigative direction in ambiguous deaths. Analysis of scene indicators and evidence in context to evaluate the veracity of witness, suspect and victim statements and their use in developing interview strategies is discussed.
Seminar content may be customized to meet your agencies needs.

Crime Scene Investigation Seminar
Michael Maloney has been involved in Crime Scene Investigations for over twenty years. He has established protocols and training programs for federal, state, and foreign law enforcement agencies. He is the author of Crime Scene Investigation Procedural Guide published by CRC Press (each student will receive a copy). He invites you join him for this dynamic 3-day training seminar on crime scene investigations. Through the use of case studies and the Procedural Guide, the author will take you through the protocols, procedures and processes that are used at crime scenes today. It gives those involved with the investigation, analysis and litigation of crimes the opportunity to see the relationship of evidence in context with an emphasis on determining investigative strategies and developing investigative leads while thoroughly processing and documenting the scene.